Camp Jupiter Role-Play Wiki
Forum: Index > Claiming > Samuel Braun

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Name:Samuel Braun


God Parent Choice 1:Vulcan

God Parent Choice 2:Trivia

God Parent Choice 3:Mars

Cohort Choice 1:3rd Cohort

Cohort Choice 2:4th Cohort

Mortal Parent:Lucy Braun if Vulcan or Mar ,Andy Braun if Trivia


Appearance:He has shaggy brown hair, piercing blue eyes that seem to bore into you and broad shoulders.

Personality:He has read the dictionary and know almost every word in the English language. He will ignore most insults and jabs but if he's having a bad day he'll bit, or should that be cut, your head off for the smallest reason.

History: When He was born Vulcan had reviled Himself to his mother explaining who he was and He also said that once Samuel reach a point in his life, it would no long be safe for him to live there because monsters would be drawn to him.

Samuel's life had been good, and for many years he lived in blissful ignorance of his past but all good things must come to an end. A harpy found him a few weeks after his 16th birthday. He and his mother were forced to run, but they didn't go on foot they used there car. After a few hours driving they had a stroke of luck:The harpy was hit by a bus.

His mother realized she couldn't keep him safe any longer

She took him to Lupa where he learned of his heritage as the son of a god and was trained to fight, and when she deemed him ready she told him how to find camp Jupiter. He set off towards camp but the harpy found him again, but this time he was ready, this was the moment Lupa had prepared him for. He drew his blade. He slashed for her chest but she just flew out of the way and then brought a downward sweep for his head with her claw he blocked it with his sword. The battle went on for much longer, each side trying to gain one little advantage, one little hit but neither could until finally he chopped off her head, By this time he was tired, and could hardly walk. He was just able to stumble to Camp before he past out. He was claimed shortly after he awoke.

Weapons:A Imperial gold gladius and spear.

Do or Do not ,there is no try 15:11, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

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